

Why would a Life Coach begin selling socks, insoles, sleeves and patches?

by Lynne Staley 

Since 2002, I have been a companion to people grieving ~ they express grief* over the death of someone precious, a divorce from someone once-loved (or still-loved!), a health diagnosis, a job loss, family estrangement, the loss of a dream… Together, we work to create the next chapter of life ~ the one my client may not have pictured or planned for or wanted.

{*Grief is the normal, natural and innate response to disappointment and loss; everyone grieves.}

For nearly 18 years, I have companioned grievers ~ coaching or guiding them using The Grief Recovery Method. I became trained in Emotional Freedom Techniques {EFT} or Tapping when I saw, first-hand, how an honest expression of the truth about a challenge ~ coupled with vibration on certain points of the body ~ could calm the nervous system under stress. I learned to bring the power of imagery and self-reflection to my clients through SoulCollage®.

My desire has always been to help people process the “rough edges of life” ~ to help them express what is true for them and to make room, then, to create what happens next.  

One of the truths I learned, early on, is that no human can learn something new or take in new information, when they are stressed. And, there is no more stressful situation than when people are grieving.

Of primary importance, then, is to return to or access a relaxed body. What can be done to insure that the body is a cooperative component in our quest for well-being and in service to creation? Authentic expression, acupressure, and self-reflection are avenues for relaxing the body; I’ve seen this first-hand beginning in 2002.

And, what if there were a “human performance technology” that could bring the body on-board, quickly? Enter Voxx Life

I was introduced to wearable neuro-technology (thank you, Noelle!) in 2019. After hearing positive stories, I purchased products to share with family and friends. In my own circle, I have reports of better sleep (after years of troubled nights), reduced essential tremors, increased circulation (warm feet!), improved mental clarity and focus, resolved chronic pain, plus better stability and balance. In addition, I have read many personal testimonials on the Voxx Life Testimonials FBk page.

Whatever can be done to regain and maintain a sense of well-being, for MORE of us, is essential! 

I will continue to companion grievers, teach EFT/Tapping as a self-empowering stress reduction tool, facilitate SoulCollage® for self-reflection and self-expression. And, I will outfit my clients and others with Voxx Life human performance technology (socks, insoles, patches, eSmartr sleeves) to bring the body on-board and into better alignment for facing life’s challenges.

For more information re: The Grief Recovery Method, Emotional Freedom Techniques {EFT} or Tapping, SoulCollage® or Voxx Life, visit


To browse and to purchase Voxx Life products, visit https://neurotechwithlynne.voxxlife.com/

Follow me on FBk:www.facebook.com/lifeafterlosscoach 

Warmest regards, Lynne Staley