It Shouldn’t Have Happened

“We have to look at our childhood and its effect on our mind as it is. Our childhood is over. Our mind is now our responsibility. It only delays our mental freedom to say ‘it shouldn’t have happened’. Of course it shouldn’t have. But it did.” – Hugh Prather, The Little Book of Letting Go: A Revolutionary 30-Day Program to Cleanse Your Mind, Lift Your Spirit and Replenish Your Soul

When the heart is engaged …

“When the heart is engaged, it drives the body to act on the mind’s ideas; when your heart energy is absent ~ when your heart energy is not in something, your actions have no force.” – Caroline Myss, Invisible Acts of Power: Channeling Grace in Your Everday Life

… a world lives in you

“You can kiss your family and friends goodbye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world but a world lives in you.”
– Frederick Buechner, Telling the Truth:The Gospel as Tragedy, Comedy, and Fairy Tale

Everyone Has an Innate Healer

“I believe that everyone has an innate healer; it is the capacity to tune into a deeper part of ourselves and intuit a process of healing that comes from the culmination of all our life experiences. It is what we have learned to be true, honest and real, and to reveal from inside us.”
Kristine Carlson:
Heartbroken Open: A Memoir From Loss to Self-Discovery

Challenging Assumptions, Creative Solutions

“Some people are particularly good at identifying and challenging assumptions. In their quest to find creative solutions to seemingly impossible problems, they question the limits of what is reasonable and possible. They start their lives
over in exotic locations, they take on projects that have a grand scope, they make choices that seem radical, and they carve out a path that leads them into uncharted territory. We often watch in awe, preventing ourselves from taking the same leaps.” – Tina Seelig,
What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20: A Crash Course on Making Your Place in the World

Create the Life You Want

“Crisis is the challenge and the opportunity to uncover what we value, rediscover what we need, redefine what gives us pleaseure, recreate a meaningful life and reconfigure the inner workings of self.” – Laura Day, Welcome To Your Crisis: How to Use the Power of Crisis to Create the Life You Want

Bringing Prayer to Life

“A little bit of mindfulness is better than none at all, and a little bit of prayer will eventually allow for a little more. Prayer doesn’t require a church or special equipment any more than fitness requires a gym, though both may one day seem more appealing than they do at the start. All prayer requires is a little time.” – Kate Braestrup,
Beginner’s Grace: Bringing Prayer to Life

Dying To Be Me

“It’s not important whether I’m having a bad day or a bad week. It’s more important how I’m feeling about myself while I’m facing this day or week. It’s about trusting the process even as I face a difficult time and not being afraid to feel anxiety, sadness, or fear, rather than suppressing everything until those emotions pass. It’s about allowing myself to be true to who I am. Because of this, the feelings will dissipate and occur less and less frequently.”
Anita Moorjani, Dying To Be Me

Loving What Is

“Suffering is optional. Whenever we experience a stressful feeling – anything from mild discomfort to intense sorrow, rage or despair – we can be certain that there is a specific thought causing our reaction, whether or not we are conscious of it. The way to end our stress is to investigate the thinking that lies behind it …” – Byron Katie, Loving What Is

Comparing Losses

“The time has come to stop looking at one another as different or better or worse. We must stop comparing ourselves through our collection of assets and accomplishments. We can relinquish our judgment and accept our shared human existence however varied it may seem from one person’s experience to the next. We are all challenged by the same core lessons, the same types of opportunities and the same compounding fears. We are all grounded in the basic need to love ourselves and to be loved by those around us.” – Seth David Chernoff,
Manual for Living: A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life